Thursday, January 6, 2011

Web 2.0

What is a web 2.0 tool? A web 2.0 tool allows for user created content to appear on a web page, instead of only the things a designer uploads.

1st Choice - DA Muro Muro allows a user to create a piece of digital and directly upload it to an online gallery. There are several complementary brushes with which one can create interesting pieces of art with. A student can use this to create pieces for a class, or design sets for theater. Coded with Python, just so you know.

2nd Choice - Tag Clouds. Tag clouds are handy things that help you search for words in a particular blog or feed. They can even be arranged in appealing shapes and such. They can give your user-base an idea of the content in your website. I played around with this by pasting song lyrics and seeing which words were used most. A student could use this to review which words he/she may be overusing. 

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