Monday, May 16, 2011

That stupid "Hey Baby" song has been stuck in my head for three days now. On a work related note, I finally got my page laid out, now it's time to make graphic buttons and shtuff. I hate you Dreamweaver. I hate you so much. D:<

Tuesday, May 10, 2011




Friday, May 6, 2011

Reflections for 5/6/2011

Added a 'splosion to my animation. Yeeyah. Gonna start the dreamweaver thing as soon as I figure out the interface...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Reflections for 5/4/2011

So. Made a little grey dude, he walks. Aaaaand I can't think of anything else to do with him. I really am out of ideas and je ne lui aime pas. I feel I should do something better with it...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Reflections 4/15/2011

Got som track work done, finished filming for realz. Happy Day of Silence guys!


So, you know that poster I did? It was wrong. Day of Silence was today. D'oh! >.< So I'm quiet all day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Reflctions 4/11/2011

Done filming the PSA, after getting reeeeeally pissed off and trying not to murder small children because of things that happened this weekend. I'd tell you. but they aren't the sort of things one puts on the internet.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Love makes an April fool out of me...

Je deteste Le Jour de Imbeciles Abril...  Le fille que j'aime cru je plaisantais! Elle me rejectee, et je suis trist. Now I'm gonna be lonely for prom. Freaking sweet. On the bright side we started fixing our PSA. Unfortunately I was distracted and stuff, but we still got stuff done.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Reflection for Half-way through Semester

I have learned how to use the Adobe Program, ROME. It would be very useful for making banners/flyers/Badges. In fact, I already have several ideas... I'm probably going to end up downloading the free version and such. We made wikis, but I edit Wikipedia for fun so it wasn't anything new. Either way it was interesting as it had been a while...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reflections 3/9/2011

Whoooooooooo got my humanitarian poster done! It's about day of silence, which is a day when people don't speak in order to protest anti-gay bullying. Hurray for equal marriage rights!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reflections 3/7/2011

I got my GQ poster uh... planned... But seriously it's all laid out and it's just a matter of putting text to it. As the internet would put it, I've been "hurping and depring" around.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reflections 3/3/2011

So far I've got one poster done, tell me what you think. I'm not sure if it creates the sinister look I'm going for, but yeah. I'm so glad I found the perfect model and wings. Thank you Mr. Janarbm!

So now all that's left is a humanitarian event, which should be interesting...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Reflections 2/28/2011

Working on a movie poster for a rome project. Made a spiffy stone angel for it, the fictional movie will center around it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rome type thing

Lookit ain't it pretty? All pet owners should collar their pets. (Inside joke is 2 cool 4 u)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Reflections 2/22/11

Today I worked on typing my wiki article, but I couldn't focus and decided to try the Rome tutorial. It's some very interesting software to say the least. It's easy to use and kind of doubles as a presentation software if you let it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Coolris 3d Wall


1. Monitor - Output
2. Keyboard - Input
3. Mouse - Input
4. CD/CD-DVD Drive - Input/Output
5. Headphones - Output
6. USB Flash Drive/Jump-drive - Input/Output
7. Projector - Output
8. Printer - Output
9. Wireless Internet Hub - Input/Output
10. ActiVote - Input
11. Activeboard pen - Input

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reflection 2/1/2011

Presented today. Could'v gone better. Forgot that I made a last minute slide. Ah well, nothing that can be done about it now.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Viewed some presentations. I think I might have to work harder to follow some of them. Oh well, at least it's done and on a flashdrive so it's easily transferable.

Input and Output

Input is devices where you send in information. Example: you posting a video of your cat meowing "Stairway to Heaven" is input for Youtube because your putting in information and data. Hnce the term "input".

Output is when the site sends something back to you. For example: the WMD sends you an automated response saying your cat video contains copyrighted material and therefore must be taken down. 

Presentation Survey

Clicky this magical colored text to take a spiffy survey!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Death by PowerPoint - Thoughts and Feelings

So today we watched this presentation about how bad presentations can't communicate very much information.

The slideshow presented many interesting points that I agreed with, like the fact that too much information on one slide can be overwhelming and boring to your audience. Presenters should use less text and more shapes and images. Color schemes should be complementary. The font color should never be the same value as the background. There's more I could say, but I think the presentation neatly sums it up.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Web 2.0

What is a web 2.0 tool? A web 2.0 tool allows for user created content to appear on a web page, instead of only the things a designer uploads.

1st Choice - DA Muro Muro allows a user to create a piece of digital and directly upload it to an online gallery. There are several complementary brushes with which one can create interesting pieces of art with. A student can use this to create pieces for a class, or design sets for theater. Coded with Python, just so you know.

2nd Choice - Tag Clouds. Tag clouds are handy things that help you search for words in a particular blog or feed. They can even be arranged in appealing shapes and such. They can give your user-base an idea of the content in your website. I played around with this by pasting song lyrics and seeing which words were used most. A student could use this to review which words he/she may be overusing.