Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Food Portrait

Oh man, I totally forgot I made this. It's supposed to look like me. I think the resemblance is uncanny.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reflections 12/2/2010

I know what I'm going to do for my final now. :D It's gonna be a spread about the crummy digital pieces I drew when I could (and sometimes when I wasn't supposed to. What can I say, I have to finish things). Finnigan, my mutated rat with a fin (hence his name) is coing along nicely, plus there's that raccoon thing. I just need one more idea and I'll be good.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I made a vase :D

UUUUUUGH I hate Illustrator so much. Photoshop is easier to use. However, I did manage to make a 3d vase. TAKE THAT LEARNING CUVE!

Let it be known that Illustrator is mean and confusing and none of the tutorials help. They assume you know everything already.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Reflections for 11/15/2010

I managed to actually stay on task today which is super awesome. Finished the raccoon thing I was working on. I really need a copy of Elements so bad... It's like the same thing as regular photoshop only cheaper. The pen tool would be great for making digital art, which I love. No more squiggly lines.

The War Against China's Blogs

(The link to the article is in this here text.) WARNING: Long Rant ahead. Proceed with caution. 

I read this article and was like, "What the?" Like, seriously, what is wrong with these people? If they can't handle criticism from the INTERNET they don't deserve to be in business. I do not condone this type of business practice, they're just as senseless as those stupid "street teams". If you need to pay people to post good PR for you then obviously you need to make a better product or something. I mean think: if a product is good, won't people like it on it's own? It's really pretentious of these idiots to think that a few good posts will erase any bad feelings.

I'll admit, I never thought of blogging as anything serious. I use it to tell people whether I'm taking requests for drawings and the like. If I started spouting reviews of business establishments everyone watching me would wonder where this came from. Last time I checked, blogging was for expressing personal thoughts and feelings, not spouting insincere corporate epitaphs. Blogging was for like-minded people to connect, and it honestly makes me sick that companies can pay others to abuse the connectivity of blog networks.

Like one wise man said, "We get advertisements in our TV, in our magazines, in our books, in our theaters, and if I log on to the Internet to check my [adult art] account I will see a [expletive] banner for Barnes and Nobles or something." People, enough is enough, the madness must end somewhere, we have to draw th line and preserve what little shame and dignity bloggers have., lord knows they need it.